1. Bosowa Foundation offers scholarships to sons / daughters of South Sulawesi region of achievement, admirable personality and high spirited leadership, to continue her education at the S1 level of the best universities in Indonesia , such as the University of Indonesia , Gadjah Mada University , Institut Teknologi Bandung, Institut Pertanian Bogor and the Surabaya Institute of Technology.
2. These scholarships through Bosowa Achievement Scholarship program, which is routinely carried out Bosowa Foundation since 2005.
3. These scholarships as Bosowa Foundation's commitment to improve the quality of education, especially in South Sulawesi .
4. During the period 2005-2009, scholarships have been distributed to four students of the Institute of Agriculture (IPB) Bogor , two students at the University of Indonesia (UI) Jakarta , three students Institute of Technology (ITB) Bandung , three students from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta, and four students 10 November Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya
5. Scholarship recipients get professional development programs such as internship programs at specific times during the period of education to apply the skills in a professional work environment, personal development program activities and leadership, social and environmental concerns, and others.
6. Any coverage Bosowa Achievement Scholarship?
Bosowa Achievement Scholarships are full scholarships (full-scholarship). The scholarship amount is adjusted to the college and the area where each college scholarship recipients. This scholarship is awarded for a period of not more than 9 semester academic S1.
Granted a full scholarship that covers it – something as follows:
1. Registration fees to the universities where applicants have been accepted.
2. SPP Cost / BOP every semester according to the value set by the universities concerned.
3. Pocket money to support living expenses during college.
4. Book allowance for the purchase of books needed for college.
5. Benefits of research, to funding research conducted during the final lecture.
Bosowa Achievement Scholarships are full scholarships (full-scholarship). The scholarship amount is adjusted to the college and the area where each college scholarship recipients. This scholarship is awarded for a period of not more than 9 semester academic S1.
Granted a full scholarship that covers it – something as follows:
1. Registration fees to the universities where applicants have been accepted.
2. SPP Cost / BOP every semester according to the value set by the universities concerned.
3. Pocket money to support living expenses during college.
4. Book allowance for the purchase of books needed for college.
5. Benefits of research, to funding research conducted during the final lecture.
7. Can Anyone Register?: Bosowa Achievement Scholarship recipients are students of the school year 2009/2010 graduates high school or equivalent who graduated or received in one department of the college appointed by Bosowa Corporation specifically for regular classes through Admissions System (SPMB / UMPTN / UMB) that implemented by the government or the relevantuniversities.
General requirements for Bosowa Achievement Scholarship:
1. Indonesian Citizen
2. Have a minimum academic average value – 8.0 average during his high school or equivalent.
3. At the time of submission of application for scholarship, was not attending any university.
4. Is a student / graduate students of the school year 2009/2010 and get recommendations from their respective schools.
5. After graduating in the selection process, the finalists must be received in one of the universities and faculties / departments are appointed by Bosowa Foundation especially for regular classes through Admissions System implemented by governments oruniversities concerned.
General requirements for Bosowa Achievement Scholarship:
1. Indonesian Citizen
2. Have a minimum academic average value – 8.0 average during his high school or equivalent.
3. At the time of submission of application for scholarship, was not attending any university.
4. Is a student / graduate students of the school year 2009/2010 and get recommendations from their respective schools.
5. After graduating in the selection process, the finalists must be received in one of the universities and faculties / departments are appointed by Bosowa Foundation especially for regular classes through Admissions System implemented by governments oruniversities concerned.
8. How Bosowa Achievement Scholarships Selection Conducted? To get this scholarship program, students must meet the requirements of achievement presented by Bosowa Foundation and graduated at the crawl stage and eventually graduated or received in one department of the college appointed by Bosowa Corporation. There are three stages of selection, which must pass by the candidate receiving the scholarship, a test of academic potential and Psikotest test / interview. Final stage is the selection SPMB / UMPTN / UMB. In each of the selection process carried out, the selection committee Bosowa Achievement Scholars Foundation will announce the result of selection by contacting the selection of participants considered to have passed. Information is provided either directly by phone and or through the school. The selection committee did not receive correspondence during the selection process took place.
9. Registration
For registration to go through each school recommendations to include:
• Name of Student / Siswi
• Class / majors
• Minimum academic average during the high school level schools
• Personal phone number and school can be contacted
Enrollment open until March 27, 2010. Registration sent directly and addressed to the Scholarship Selection Team Bosowa Foundation, with address: Lt.23 Bosowa Tower Building, Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 5 Makassar 90,240 or Email to: munajab.alwy @ bosowa.co.idThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or fax: 0411 420320.
For registration to go through each school recommendations to include:
• Name of Student / Siswi
• Class / majors
• Minimum academic average during the high school level schools
• Personal phone number and school can be contacted
Enrollment open until March 27, 2010. Registration sent directly and addressed to the Scholarship Selection Team Bosowa Foundation, with address: Lt.23 Bosowa Tower Building, Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 5 Makassar 90,240 or Email to: munajab.alwy @ bosowa.co.idThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or fax: 0411 420320.
Ref: http://www.bosowa.co.id/content/view/155/38/lang,english/
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