Post-Doctoral Position in drug discovery

1.      BIOALVO, a global biotech company acting on the early stages of drug discovery and development with headquarters in Lisbon, Portugal, offers a Post-Doctoral Position within the scope of the FP7-funded project entitled  “α-synuclein and Tau: dangerous liaisons”.
2.      Although classically considered as distinct pathological entities, recent emerging evidence is revealing a number of pathological and clinical features with consistent overlapping between synucleinopathies and tauopathies, suggesting a mechanistic link between these disorders. The project is to clarify the synergistic effect of α-synuclein and tau interaction in the neurodegenerative process and to identify compounds that modulate that synergy.
3.      We will take advantage of the power of yeast genetics in order to perform a genome wide screening to identify genes that modulate the toxic phenotype caused by the concomitant expression of tau and α-synuclein. We want to identify cellular targets of future therapeutic intervention in order to generate a yeast-based drug discovery platform for the screening of compounds with the potential to ameliorate diseases associated with tau and/or synuclein.

4.      The successful candidate will contribute to the implementation and development of the scientific program and support the training of a PhD student enrolled in this project, within the scope of NEURASYNC, an Initial Training Network funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7).
5.      We are looking for a highly motivated team-oriented enthusiastic individual with a strong background in neurosciences and molecular biology. Preference will be given to candidates with experience in yeast genetic manipulation.
6.      This is a 3-year Post-Doctoral position co-funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), as a complementary support to the participation in Marie Curie actions.
7.      The selected candidate will be appointed under an employment contract with full social security coverage.
8.      Net salary will be paid 14 months per year, according to the number of years of experience after obtaining the PhD (<6 years: 1495 €; 6-10 years: 2060 €; >10 years: 2650 €).
9.      Only researchers with Portuguese citizenship are eligible.
10.  Applications including a motivation letter and 2 letters of reference should be sent by email to .
11.  The position is open until 16th April 2010.

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