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Postdoctoral position in computational biology, bioinformatics, cell and developmental biology
More Information: Postdoctoral position in computational biology, bioinformatics, cell and developmental biology
Sweden: Postdoctoral position in Molecular Infection Biology/Microbiology and Chemical Biology
Project description: Global screen of new putative antivirals in a high trough put setting at LCBU. Our approach has been enabled by a new complete replicating GFP expressing human adenovirus vector. This design allows assessment, in a whole cell context, of the antiviral effect of low molecular weight substances both of commercial origin and from a unique natural source. Structure activity analysis will be performed with the perspective to improve the efficacy and the toxicity profile of the identified lead compounds. The mechanism of action of promising antiviral candidates will also be analyzed.
More Information: Sweden: Postdoctoral position in Molecular Infection Biology/Microbiology and Chemical BiologyDevelopment of Analytical Tools for Time-Resolved Metabolomics: PhD Position
More Information: Development of Analytical Tools for Time-Resolved Metabolomics: PhD Position
Visiting Professorships
Application materials can be accessed from the Trust’s website. Applications must be submitted online by one of the two following closing dates: 4.00pm on 13 October 2011 or 4.00pm on 10 May 2012. Applications should be completed by the responsible academic in the UK host institution. As part of the application process both the proposed Visiting Professor and the UK host institution must give approval by the closing date.
The Trust will report results to applicants normally within four or five months of each closing date.
To access the online application system please click the link below and follow the instructions.
More Details: Visiting Professorships