Postdoctoral position in biology 2010


  1. The focus of my laboratory is understanding the molecular events important in pancreatic growth regulation and tumorigenesis.
  2. We have identified a subpopulation of cancer stem cells in human pancreatic cancer (Cancer Res, 2007).
  3. A postdoctoral position is now open for a project aimed at understanding the role of pancreatic cancer stem cells within the tumor using a variety of approaches in vitro and in vivo.
  4. The applicant is required to function in an independent fashion and be responsible of his/her own research project. In particular, he/she will be expected to be able to design experiments, initially under the guidance from the PI, conduct experiments, process and analyze data, and potentially develop new and/or revise research methodologies.
  5. In addition, the candidate will be expected to present his/her own work both at lab meetings as well as scientific conferences and to critically analyze literature relevant to the research.
  6. The successful candidate will be expected to be proficient at scientific writing, and be able to prepare research papers.
  7. While funding is currently available for the position, the candidate will be strongly encouraged to apply for his/her own funding, under the guidance from the PI.
  8. A doctoral degree and familiarity with basic laboratory techniques is required for this position.
  9. Previous experience in the field of cancer biology and/or stem cell biology a plus, but not required.
  10. Please submit CV, at least 3 references, and a short statement of research interests and expectations from postdoctoral training to:
    Stephanie Laurinec, e-mail:
    General Surgery
    1520 MSRB I
    1150 W. Medical Center Drive
    Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5666

  11. Department Qualifications:
    The candidate will be expected to be familiar with basic molecular and cell biology techniques. Additional expertise in stem cell biology and animal models is a plus. Excellent verbal and written communication skills are required.
  12. Expires on: April 21, 2010

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