Postdoctoral Program in Environmental Chemistry 2010


1.      The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation seeks to further the development of scientific leadership in the field of environmental chemistry with a postdoctoral fellowship program.
2.      The Postdoctoral Program in Environmental Chemistry provides an award to a principal investigator of $120,000 over two years to appoint a Postdoctoral Fellow in environmental chemistry.
3.      The Postdoctoral Program in Environmental Chemistry is open to all academic and other not-for-profit organizations in the States, Districts, and Territories of the United States of America that have well-established research efforts in environmental science or engineering.
4.      These research activities need not be located in traditional departments in the chemical sciences, and collaboration across departments and institutions is encouraged.
5.      Applications most likely to be of interest should describe innovative fundamental research in the chemical sciences or engineering related to the environment. Examples include but are not limited to the chemistry associated with: the climate, the atmosphere, aquatic or marine settings, toxicology, soil or groundwater.
6.      Also of interest are chemistry-related energy research (renewable sources, sequestration, etc.), and new or green approaches to chemical synthesis and processing, with a clearly stated relation to the environment.
7.      Applications come from the principal investigator. Recommendations for awards are based on several factors: assessment of the proposed research, the arrangements for the interdisciplinary educational broadening of the Fellow, and an assessment of the ability to both attract the best young Ph.D. candidates and subsequently place them in high level independent starting positions.
8.      Applications are reviewed by distinguished scientists in the environmental and chemical sciences.
11.  The Postdoctoral Program in Environmental Chemistry provides a $120,000 award, payable in two $60,000 installments. Funds are normally expended over a period of two years after the appointment of the Fellow. Charges associated with indirect costs or institution overhead are not allowed. Of the total annual award amount, the stipend support of the Fellow is $45,000 (stipends may be supplemented from institutional or other sources). Fringe benefits of the Fellow taken from this award may not exceed $9,000. The balance may be applied to related undergraduate research and/or the professional development of the Fellow. Examples of preferred use of the balance include stipends for undergraduate collaborators and support for the Fellow's participation in meetings, conferences, and symposia.
12.  All application materials must be received at the Foundation office by August 12, 2010. Applications recommended for approval are presented to the Foundation's Board of Directors in time for award announcements by the end of October 2010.
13.  Application package. The original application and four additional copies should be printed single-sided, on 8 1/2 x 11-inch paper, using 12-point font size, and assembled as:
14.  1. The online application form (available July 2010)
2. A research proposal that would be judged as likely to advance environmental science in important ways (typically 2-4 pages)
3. A CV (limitied to 5 pages) for each of the key professional personnel that includes ten or fewer relevant publications
4. A one-page description of the educational opportunities and institutional strengths in environmental science, and how the Fellow would be involved in them
15.  Please fasten each copy of the application with one staple. The use of binder clips, paper clips, folders, colored paper or bond paper is discouraged.
16.  Submit all application materials to:
a.       Dr. Mark Cardillo, Executive Director
The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.
555 Madison Avenue, 20th Floor
New York, NY 10022-3301
17.  Because of the volume of mail received near the program deadline, the Foundation requests that you use a delivery service that provides proof of delivery.
18.  Reports
The first-year award of $60,000 will be paid after the Foundation has been provided with the Fellow’s CV and anticipated start date. The second-year award of $60,000 will be paid upon request, after completion of the first year. The request should be accompanied or preceded by a financial report and a progress report from the project director that contains highlights of accomplishments under the award and the research plan for the coming year.
19.  Reports should be printed single-sided, on 8 1/2 x 11-inch paper, using 12-point font size.
20.  Submit the report by first-class mail to:
a.       Dr. Mark Cardillo, Executive Director
The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.
555 Madison Avenue, 20th Floor
New York, NY 10022-3301
21.  Final reports are due when all funds are expended. The final technical report should detail the anticipated consequence of the research and provide information regarding the future professional plans of the Fellow. An optional statement may be included of newsworthy stories concerning the Mentor, the Fellow, or the consequences of the research funded during the period of the award.
22.  Additional Information
a.       Publications and presentations describing work supported by the award should acknowledge the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Postdoctoral Program in Environmental Chemistry.
b.      The faculty mentor is designated a Camille and Henry Dreyfus Environmental Chemistry Mentor. The postdoctoral scientist is designated a Camille and Henry Dreyfus Environmental Chemistry Fellow.
c.       Procedural questions may be directed to the Foundation office by telephone at 212-753-1760 or e-mail at

Deadline: August 12, 2010

Announcement: October 2010


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